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 Chemical Peel


Chemical Peels

Like exfoliation, a chemical peel is a treatment to remove excess dead cells, remove impurities and tighten large pores. New regenerated skin is usually smoother, less wrinkled and has a radiant complexion. Natcha Studio Beauté recommends it for these conditions: wrinkles, goose paste, scars, skin damaged by the sun, acne scars.

What ingredients are used?


For this treatment, we use active agents derived from natural elements of biological origin. They can be lactic, glycolic, salicylic and retinol acids. Some are very soft, others more powerful, which allows more irritable skin to be able to benefit from the chemical peel.


Types of chemical peels


There are different types of peels depending on the abrasive power of the product and the depth of its penetration into the skin. Depending on its depth, an anesthetic cream is applied beforehand. The treatment is applied using a brush or gauze and removed by rinsing with water.


Superficial and medium peeling


For a superficial effect, the Natcha technician uses a mild alpha-hydroxide acid to penetrate only the outer layer of the skin for a gentle exfoliation. The treatment is used to improve the appearance of discolored skin and to refresh the face, neck, chest or hands. It restores radiance to the skin.


For a medium effect, it is a combination of acids that removes damaged cells. This will be to improve age spots, wrinkles, freckles, skin discoloration and to treat certain precancerous skin tumors.


The deep peel


With the use of trichloroacetic acid to deeply penetrate the middle layer of the skin and remove damaged skin cells, patients will see a dramatic improvement in the appearance of the skin: removes age spots, age spots freckles and shallow scars.


Are chemical peels painful?


In general, the chemicals used in our studio can sting, but do not cause much pain. The mildest peels with alpha hydroxide, glycolic acid or fruit acid can cause tingling, redness, irritation and crusting. However, the effects will decrease as soon as the skin begins to regenerate.


Treatment frequency


The treatment can be made up of 2, 4 or 6 consecutive treatments 2 to 3 weeks apart. The frequency of the cures depends on the specific needs of each client.It is clear that supplementing the care at home with good products can maintain the benefits of the treatment longer.

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